An auto body shop and auto repair shop differ in the types of fixes done to your vehicle. First, an auto body shop fixes the body, e.g., frames, windows, bumpers, and doors. Then, on the flip side, an auto repair shop handles the engine and moveable components. Now that you understand the difference, read on to explore five auto body repair types offered in auto body shops.

1. Dents Auto Body Repair

Auto collisions include the most common cause of dents. Other causes include errant trolleys, door scratches from other cars, and high-impact contact with an abrasive material. Cuts vary in size, but even minor dents may prove problematic when neglected.

For example, prolonged use of your vehicle without repair increases the rust chances for parts beneath. So, undertake an immediate auto body repair for any dents you acquire.

2. Bumper Auto Body Repair

Your vehicle's bumpers shield the rest of the auto body from damage during collisions. So, whenever you have an issue with your bumper, immediately seek help from an auto body repair shop. Otherwise, you risk more damage because a bumper with problems doesn't readily take on impact. As a result of the weak shield, any collision could easily damage the other car parts.

3. Windshield Auto Body Repair

Collisions and any impact accidents such as with a broken tree limb could cause cracks in your windshield. First, auto body shops analyze the damage, which sometimes affects windows and rearview mirrors. Then, you receive an auto body repair for all damaged parts.

At the very least, windshield repair ensures you can see the road clearly. On the flip side, a delayed repair could compromise the glass's structural integrity.

4. Frame Alignment Auto Body Repair

The frame is your vehicle's backbone and connects the body to the engine and all other components. A damaged structure causes distribution issues and could also crack and cause another accident. So, auto body repairs restore your broken or damaged frame to its original form. Otherwise, other vehicle parts wouldn't fit correctly in place.

5. Paint Work Auto Body Repair

All scratches damage your car's paint, and untreated scratches and rock chips could cause damage to the underlying metal. Auto body shops repaint your car so you won't notice the difference between the scratched and other parts. In cases like minor dents and dings, dent-less paint repair restores your vehicle to normal without the need to repaint.


You can only detect some auto-body problems using a professional check. So, no matter how minor the auto body damage may appear, never ignore inspections after collisions. Instead, find an auto body shop to undertake an auto body repair.
