Having a scrapyard tow your old clunker away is arguably one of the best ways to turn a junker into cash. In most cases, the process is relatively quick and easy, and you can enjoy your profit much faster than you'd be able to with a private sale. Since many dealerships won't even accept these vehicles as trades, you typically don't have other options for a quick sale.

There's more than one way to go about the process, however. Depending on your level of skill, time, and commitment, you can try to extract a little more value from your car. If you're still trying to decide what to do about a rusting hulk on your lawn, then check out these three ways you can cash in on that car with a scrapyard.

1. Don't Do Anything

If you're low on time and you want money now, then you can take advantage of one of the best features of most junk buyers: convenience. Scrapyards usually buy cars in any condition, and it doesn't matter if your old vehicle is running or not. In most cases, it won't even matter if your beater has a flat tire or other problems that prevent it from rolling freely.

Instead of dealing with these issues, just schedule a pick-up and enjoy the check. When selling a car this way, always be sure that you accurately describe its condition and any problems that may affect towing. By being upfront, you'll get a more accurate offer so that you won't be surprised by the check you end up receiving.

2. Part It Out

Since junkyards are happy to take cars in nearly any condition, there's no reason that you can't remove and sell a few parts before bidding farewell. Many components such as interior electronics or trim pieces are relatively easy to remove, and you can sell these parts locally or through online auctions. Taking a few extra days for this process can potentially net you a nice profit.

If you decide to go this route, make sure you inform your buyer. You may receive a lower offer if you've removed valuable parts, so be sure to pick and choose the best pieces. You can usually still come out ahead even with a lower offer, but stripping your car down to its frame may not leave much for the scrapyard buy.

3. Enjoy the Ride

If your car still runs, there's no reason you can't have some fun with it before turning it over to a junk buyer. Old beaters make great project cars and can be an excellent way to learn about repairing and maintaining a vehicle. Since you're going to junk it anyway, you don't need to worry about ruining any parts or causing damage.

When you're finally ready to let go, you'll be able to turn over the keys to a scrapyard while enjoying a nice little bump to your bank account.

For more tips, contact a company like Vegas Cash for Cars.
