Have you recently noticed that the air blowing out of your car's vents isn't as cold as it used to be? If so, then you may be in need of a refrigerant recharge. Over time, your car's refrigerant levels can drop, preventing the compressor from churning out cool air. In some cases, you can recharge your AC on your own with a store-bought canister. Should you choose to go this route, though, there are some common mistakes to avoid.

Assuming All You Need is a Charge

First of all, don't assume that you need a refrigerant charge unless you're already taken the time to check your refrigerant levels and found they were low. There are many other problems that could be causing your car's AC to blow out cold air, so you should rule those out (or have them ruled out by a professional) before you attempt a DIY fix.

Hooking Up to the Wrong Valve

You'll need to hook the refrigerant canister up to your car's low pressure port in order to recharge it. Unfortunately, finding the low pressure port isn't always easy, and many people make the mistake of hooking the canister up to the wrong value. Look for two aluminum pipes coming out from the metal wall behind your engine, and locate the valve with the "L" on it. Hooking up to the wrong value could result in a lot of expensive damage, so if in doubt, bring your car in to a professional instead.

Not Keeping a Close Eye on the Gauge

As you're recharging your car's refrigerant, keep a close eye on the gauge. As soon as you have the correct read-out for your car, stop filling and put the cap back on the valve. Over-charging your car's refrigerant can lead to engine and compressor damage and will not make your AC any colder!

Failure to Protect Your Hands

Finally, remember that refrigerant can be dangerous to work with, especially if it comes into contact with your skin or eyes. It's always a good idea to wear gloves and other protective gear (such as goggles) while recharging your car's AC.

And of course, if all else fails and recharging your AC still doesn't seem to solve your problem, make an appointment with an auto AC maintenance professional. This way, you can have the entire system inspected to pinpoint and repair the exact problem promptly and correctly.
