If you have a cracked windshield, the ideal thing would be to get it repaired immediately.  It may be impairing your driving and causing you concern because you're worried about the crack spreading.  However, instant repair isn't always an option, especially if you're low on cash.  If this is your situation, the main objective is to keep the windshield from shattering completely.  Use this information to learn more about two tips that can help you keep your windshield intact until you can get it fixed.

Keep Your Music Down

The first thing you want to do when you're trying to avoid a shattered windshield is keep your music down.  Although it may be your custom to ride the highways with your music on full blast, now may be the time to rethink this practice.

Understand that when your music is playing, it sends out vibrations.  This is especially true if you like to turn your bass up to the maximum level.  If the vibrations become strong enough, it could cause the crack in your windshield to spread so much that the entire piece of glass crumbles.  This can be very dangerous, especially if you happen to be driving at a fast speed when the breakage occurs.

Instead of blasting your music, keep it at a low level.  You can still enjoy your favorite tunes, but keeping it at a minimum is the key to lowering the risk of a shattered windshield.

Be Careful With the Thermostat

The next thing you want to do is make sure that you are quite careful with your thermostat.  You want to avoid taking the temperature from cold to hot too suddenly because this could be detrimental for your windshield.

A sudden change in temperature can aggravate an already fragile windshield.  Glass expands and contracts and, when there is an instantaneous change in climate conditions, it may be too much for the windshield to handle.

When you get into your car on a cold day, don't instantly turn the heat on full blast.  Put the heat on the lowest setting and gradually increase it until the entire car is nice and warm.  

Keeping your cracked windshield from shattering doesn't have to be difficult if you just know what to do.  Don't risk having to replace an entire windshield due to a single crack; start following these tips so you can keep your windshield in one piece.
