If you run a diesel engine, in order to keep it clean and to keep the emissions down, you need to employ strategies that will allow you to consistently keep the equipment clean and running smoothly. Here are three different strategies you can employ to help keep your DPF clean and up to local emission standards.

#1 Make Sure You Are Using The Right Oil

The first thing you can do to cut down on diesel particulate matter building up in your filters is make sure that you are using the right oil in your engine. With diesel engines, you often have to use oil that is designed to be low in sulphated ash, which is a component that can easily clog up your diesel filters. To be sure that you are using the right oil, check your owner's manual and make sure that the oil you are using meets the manufacture's recommendations.

#2 Inspect Your EGR Valves

Second, you need to make sure that you inspect your EGR valves on a regular basis. Soot and carbon can easily become deposited in your EGR valves. When this happens, it makes your EGR valves open and close improperly. This can allow particles into your engine that the EGR valves are supposed to keep out and can result in your DPF to become dirty and for your engine to not function at its full capacity. These particles can easily block up the mesh that makes up your DPF.

#3 Change Your Driving Patterns

Finally, changing your driving patterns can help keep your diesel particulate filters clean and can help keep your engine optimized for the best performance. Driving in the city are not the conditions that diesel engines were made for. They were not made for driving at low speeds, stopping and starting, and going really short distances. Diesel engines work best when you are able to drive fast for long periods of time. Diesel engines work best when used for long drives or commutes, not for short drives in the city.

Your diesel particulate filters actually only work when specific conditions are meet. You have to have your engine at the right RPMs and the right speed for the DPF to kick in. Your engine has to also be warmed up to the right temperature for the DFP to kick in. IF you are not meeting these conditions when you drive, your DPF is not actually doing its job and protecting your engine and lowering your emissions.

Implement the three steps above to keep your DPF clean and your engine working as effectively as possible. And for more information and assistance, contact professional auto services, like Regeneration Services LLC.
